After experimenting with value-based pricing (we were bought out of every risk/reward contract we entered), acquiring Equire, the managed services business, and then Nucleus IP, our trade mark attorneys, we concluded that we needed to participate in ventures to be able to really exploit our own IP.
This we have done successfully with two start-ups. and less so with a third, which we sold to a partner.
Luxury Explorer and sQuid were both start-ups invented while working with consulting clients. By practising what we preach, we not only demonstrate conviction and confidence in our strategic, tech and design skills, we also learn how to operate successful next generation businesses.
We have learned a lot. Without doubt, we are better business people having experienced how difficult it is to create something from nothing. Our consulting clients value the learnings this approach brings to their own projects, differentiating Nucleus from competitors, because we know not only the theory, but also the pressures of day-to-day business reality.
For start-ups looking for a branding or digital partner, wouldnn't you prefer to work with a team that's been through the learnings themselves?
In time we will invest in more ventures, but for now sQuid, our smart transactions platform and Luxury Explorer, the world atlas of luxury travel are keeping us sufficiently busy...